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Textbooks of Physiology

(and other potentially useful books)

Učebnice fysiologie

(a jiné potenciálně užitečné knihy)

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Tyto knihy je možno přímo z této stránky prostřednictvím internetu a kreditkarty koupit od knihkupectví Amazon.com (tím, že kliknete na čudlík "get it at amazon.com" - tam také najdete víc informací o knize a ceně). Amazon.com nabízí řadu možností platby a zaslání, má kvalitní služby zákazníkům a zaručuje bezpečnost a důvěrnost inernetového nákupu. Komentáře ke knihám jsou naše vlastní (VH). Máte-li k některé z knih vlastní komentář, pošlete nám ho.

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Jeremy P.T.Ward, Roger W.A.Linden: Základy fyziologie, 1. české vydání, Galén, Praha 2010.


Ganong W.F.: Přehled lékařské fyziologie, 20. vydání, Galén, Praha 2005.



Silbernagl S., Despopoulos A.: Atlas fyziologie člověka. 6. vydání, Grada Publishing a. s., Praha 2004



Brožek G., Herget J., Vízek M.: Poznámky k přednáškám z fysiologie. H+H, Jinočany 1999



Trojan S. a kol.: Lékařská fyziologie. 4. vydání, Grada Publishing a. s., Praha 2003



Králíček P.: Úvod do speciální neurofyziologie. Karolinum. Praha 2004



Edited By Leonard Johnson, Vice Chancellor for Research and Thomas A. Gerwin Professor of Physiology, University of Tennessee, Memphis, USA Description This third edition of Essential Medical Physiology has been thoroughly revised and covers the principal subjects covered in a modern medical school physiology course. It includes chapters on general physiology, as well as cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, central nervous system, and integrative physiology.
Contributors to this indispensible textbook include the leading physiologists Leonard R. Johnson, Stanley G. Schultz, H. Maurice Goodman, John H. Byrne, Norman W. Weisbrodt, James M. Downey, D. Neil Granger, Frank L. Powell, Jr., James A. Schafer, and Dianna A. Johnson.


Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall

Textbook of Medical Physiology

Hardcover - 1064 pages, 10th edition (August 2000)
Mosby; ISBN: 072168677X
~ $65 (~ 2400 - 3000 Kč)

Outstanding textbook. The author (ACG), whose primary research contributed significantly to elucidation of several key mechanisms of cardiovascular homeostasis, is an excelent teacher capable of presenting even the most complex topics in an understanable and fun way.
Vynikající učebnice. Autor (Guyton), který svým výzkumem podstatně přispěl k pochopení některých klíčových mechanismů kardiovaskulární regulace, je především skvělý pedagog schopný i složité pochody podat stravitelnou a zábavnou formou.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, William Schmitt (Editor)

Pocket Companion to Textbook of Medical Physiology

Paperback (2000)
~ $20 (~ 740 - 1000 Kč)

Berne: Physiology  

Robert M. Berne (Editor)


Hardcover - 1232 pages 4th edition (February 1998)
Mosby-Year Book; ISBN: 0815109520
~ $65

Very comprehensive textbook, a good reference source. You can find just about anything here. More than you need for 2nd year med school exam, but perfect as a reference in everyday medical practice. The book is very well written. The author's own primary research earns him a prestige of being a significant authority in cardiovascular physiology.
Hodně podrobná učebnice. Najdete tu skoro všechno. Pro zkoušku z fysiologie ve 2. ročníku je tu víc, než je nutné. Ovšem pro vyhledání nejasností v dalším každodením lékařském životě - perfektní. Kniha je velmi dobře napsaná. Autorův vlastní původní výzkum ho po právu řadí mezi významné autority kardiovaskulární fysiologie.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Berne: Physiology  

Robert M. Berne (Editor), Matthew N. Levy (Editor)

Principles of Physiology

Paperback 3rd edition (December 1999)
Mosby-Year Book; ISBN: 0323008135
~ $55

A somewhat scaled down (and one year younger) version of the previous book. Geared specifically towards medical students for "easy" absorbance. Useful clinical examples (absent in the detailed version).
Mírně "očesaná" (nicméně pořád slušně obšírná) verze předchozí knihy. Je to tak udělané specificky pro mediky, aby to bylo stravitelnější. Navíc proti podrobnější verzi tu jsou klinické příklady ilustrující fysiologické principy.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Ganong: Review of Medical Physiology  

William F. Ganong

Review of Medical Physiology

Paperback - 912 pages; 21 edition (March 2003)
McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange; ISBN: 0071402365
~ $50

Another "classic". Very good textbook.
Další "klasika". Je k mání také v českém překladu (i když o vydání pozadu).

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Rainer Greger, Uwe Windhorst (Editors)

Comprehensive Human Physiology: From Cellular Mechanisms to Integration

(Two-Volume Set)

Hardcover - 2527 pages; 1st edition (January 15, 1996)
Springer Verlag; ISBN: 354058109X
~ $130

Probably the most extensive textbook of physiology available.
Asi nejrozsáhlejší existující učebnice fysiologie.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Gillian Pocock, Christopher D. Richards

Human Physiology : The Basis of Medicine

Paperback; 1st edition (July 1999)
Oxford Univ Press; ISBN: 0192625381
~ $50

This textbook has exceptionally useful color illustrations - in fact, they might be seen here. They are a useful learning resource even if you do not buy the book.
Silnou stránkou této učebnice jsou ilustrace - ty je ostatně možno si prohlédnout zde. Jsou užitečnou pomůckou pro studium i v případě, že si knihu nekoupíte.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Carol M. Porth

Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States

Hardcover: 1582 pages; 7th edition (July 2004)
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; ISBN: 0781749883
~ $80

Very extensive and well written book on pathophysiology, also covering lots of normal physiology.
Detailní a dobře napsaná učebnice patofyziologie, která se také podrobně zabývá základy normální fyziologie.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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The Physiology Coloring Book  

Wynn Kapit, Robert MacEy, Esmail Meisami

The Physiology Coloring Book, Second Edition

Paperback; 2 edition (October 1999)
Benjamin/Cummings; ISBN: 0321036638
~ $16 (~ 750 Kč)

A very unusual approach - learning physiology through coloring black and white illustrations. Useful and fun.
Neobvyklý přístup - učíte se fysiologii tím, že vybarvujete omalovánky. Je to velmi dobře uděláno, takže výsledek je užitečný a vcelku i zábavný.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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The Physiology Coloring Book  

Walter Boron, Emile L. Boulpaep

Textbook of Medical Physiology

Hardcover: 1319 pages; 1st edition (September 2002)
W B Saunders; ISBN: 0721632564
~ $ 87

  Exclusive textook written with unusual pedagogical talent, perfect illustrations.
Naprosto exkluzivní učebnice napsaná s velkým pedagogickým talentem, výborné ilustrace.
You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

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The Physiology Coloring Book  

Vishwanath R. Lingappa, Krista Farey

Physiological Medicine: A Clinical Approach to Basic Medical Physiology

Paperback: 1008 pages; 1 edition (April 2000)
McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange; ISBN: 0070381283

Nice book. Its emphasis on clinical aspects is pleasant and interesting.
Pěkná knížka. Důraz na klinické aspekty je příjemný a zajímavý.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Linda S. Costanzo


Paperback: 450 pages; 2nd edition (May 2002)
W B Saunders; ISBN: 0721695493
~ $40

This textbook covers important concepts in physiology, both at the organ system and cellular levels. It stresses essential and relevant content with clarity and includes numerous tables and illustrations. Revised and updated, this 2nd edition provides information on the underlying principles of cellular physiology, the autonomic nervous system, neurophysiology, as well as the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, acid-base, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and reproduction organ systems.

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Dee Unglaub Silverthorn et al.

Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach with Interactive Physiology

Hardcover: 912 pages; 3rd edition (August 2003)
Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company; ISBN: 0131020153

The new edition of Award-winning author and educator Dee Silverthorn's Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach builds upon the book's thorough coverage of integrative and molecular physiology topics to give you a solid foundation of understanding for your education, career, or general knowledge. Every piece of art has been revised so that figures and diagrams are clearer, making it easier to understand complex physiological systems. A comprehensive, integrated approach including basic cell processes, homeostasis & control, integration of function, and metabolism, growth, & aging. For college instructors, students, people in the nursing/allied health field, or anyone interested in human anatomy.

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Eric P. Widmaier, Hershel Raff, Kevin T. Strang

Vander, Sherman, Luciano's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function

Hardcover; 9th edition (January 2003)
Mcgraw-Hill; ISBN: 0072437936
~ $60

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McCance & Huether: Pathophysiology  

Kathryn L. McCance (Editor), Sue E. Huether

Pathophysiology : The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children

Hardcover 3rd edition (October 1997)
Mosby-Year Book; ISBN: 0815194811
~ $68

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Sylvia Anderson Price (Editor), Lorraine McCarty Wilson (Editor), Brudon

Pathophysiology : Clinical Concepts of Disease Processes

Hardcover 5th edition (November 1996)
Mosby-Year Book; ISBN: 0815166214
~ $66

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West: Pulmonary Pathophysiology  

John B. West

Respiratory Physiology : The Essentials

Paperback: 171 pages; 6th edition (November 1999)
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; ISBN: 0683307347
~ $31

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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West: Pulmonary Pathophysiology  

John B. West

Pulmonary Pathophysiology : The Essentials

Paperback 5th edition (June 1998)
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; ISBN: 0683302256
~ $30

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Robert M. Berne, Matthew N. Levy

Case Studies in Physiology

Paperback; 3rd Edition (April 1994)
Mosby-Year Book; ISBN: 0815105444
~ $21
You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.
Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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John B. West

Best and Taylor's Physiological Basis of Medical Practice

Hardcover - 1170 pages 12th edition (January 15, 1990)
ISBN: 0683089471
~ $60

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Frances M. Ashcroft

Life at the Extremes: The Science of Survival

Hardcover (320 pages) (October 2000)
University of California Press; ISBN: 0520222342
~ $20

Extremely well written, easy to read book which clearly explains physiological mechanisms of adaptations to extreme conditions.
Mimořádně dobře napsaná, čtivá kniha, která výborně vysvětluje fysiologickou podstatu adaptací na mimořádné podmínky.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Dee Unglaub Silverthorn, William C, Ober, Claire W. Garrison, Andrew C. Silverthorn

Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach

Hardcover: 816 pages; 2nd edition (August 2000)
Benjamin/Cummings; ISBN: 0130176974

An introductory level text for first and second year students in human or animal physiology. The text focuses on developing students' skills by helping them connect facts and concepts and apply them to real-world situations. Included are illustrations of physiological processes.

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Rodney A. Rhoades, George A. Tanner

Medical Physiology

Paperback: 781 pages; 2nd edition (April 2003)
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; ISBN: 0781719364

Intended for health science students, this textbook emphasizes broad concepts and their application to specific problems (as opposed to presenting excessive detail and encouraging rote memorization). Chapters are grouped by biological system, with additional chapters covering cellular physiology and temperature regulation and exercise.

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Edward G. Schneider, Steven L. Bealer

Review of Medical Physiology: Questions With Answers

Paperback: 294 pages (October 1997)
Lippincott Williams & Wilkin; ISBN: 0397584032

This review and study guide is designed for medical students who are using the Second Edition of Johnson's Essential Medical Physiology in their course work. The review book contains 1,000 questions based on the text, plus answers and discussions. Also included are 62 illustrative drawings, most of them selected from the text. Other user-friendly features include detailed outlines of the chapters of the text and boxed displays containing hot topics or key facts statements.Used in conjunction with Essential Medical Physiology, this review book will stimulate deeper engagement with the text, serve as a guide to key points, and refresh the student's memory before an exam.

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John J. Bray, Patricia A. Cragg, Anthony D. C. Macknight, Roland G. Mills

Lecture Notes on Human Physiology

Paperback: 610 pages; 4th edition (January 1999)
Blackwell Publishers; ISBN: 0865427755

Extensively illustrated...a very useful text...definitely recommended for rapid revision before finals as well as for laying one's foundations throughout the course. Worth buying." Cambridge Medicine, Addenbrooke's Clinical Medical School "..a concise, yet complete, textbook on general physiology..an excellent reference for clinicians wanting general information on physiology that is concise and easy to use" Physical Therapy on the 3rd edition "The text is fluent, easy to absorb and most important written very concisely. The style makes it easy to pick out relevant information.

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Lauralee Sherwood

Human Physiology : From Cells to Systems

Hardcover: 944 pages; 5 edition (June 2003)
Brooks Cole; ISBN: 0534395015

This introductory text/CD-ROM focuses on the mechanisms of body function and is organized around the central theme of homeostasis. The CD-ROM contains further coverage of topics that students often find difficult, using graphics and animations. For this fifth edition, new information based on recent discoveries has been included.
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John Bullock, Joseph Iii, Md Boyle, Michael B., Phd Wang, Joseph Boyle

Physiology (National Medical Series for Indenpendent Study)

Paperback: 853 pages; 4th edition (February, 2001)
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; ISBN: 0683306030

The fourth edition of NMS Physiology , a well respected and heavily used text, is written in an outline format useful to medical students who require a physiology course review and a comprehensive study tool for USMLE preparation. This one-volume, portable text contains 300 USMLE-style questions with answers and explanations. New to the edition are more questions, updated case studies in clinical decision making, concise outlines, and expanded diagrams. Sections devoted to endocrinology, acid-base, and pathophysiology also are especially helpful to students.

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Andrew Davies, Asa G. H. Blakeley, Cecil Kidd, J. G. McGeown

Human Physiology

Paperback: 980 pages (July 1, 2001)
Churchill Livingstone; ISBN: 0443045593

This is a colourful, highly illustrated textbook of human physiology aimed at medical students. Organized by systems in the traditional approach used by many physiology texts, the book also offers additional features; the text is succinct, with emphasis on core knowledge, there are clinical application boxes throughout, and each section contains examples of applied physiology to show how systems interact and are dependent on each other. There are multiple choice questions (MCQs) with answers at the end of each section.

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Ramzi S. Cotran, Vinay Kumar, Tucker Collins, Stanley L. Robbins

Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease

Hardcover: 1425 pages; 6th edition (January 1999)
W.B. Saunders Company; ISBN: 072167335X

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Stuart Ira Fox

Human Physiology

Hardcover: 752 pages; 8 edition (February 2003)
McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0072440821

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John T. Hansen, Bruce M. Koeppen

Netter's Atlas of Human Physiology

Paperback: 223 pages; 1st edition (May 2002)
Icon Learning Systems; ISBN: 1929007019

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Herb Hultgren

High Altitude Medicine

Paperback (June 1997)
Hultgren Publications; ISBN: 0965518302
~ $60

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Bertram G., Md., Ph.D. Katzung (Editor)

Basic and Clinical Pharmacology

Paperback (1151 pages); 7th edition (August 13, 1997)
McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing; ISBN: 0838505651
~ $45

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The Merck Manual  

Mark H. Beers (Editor), Robert Berkow (Editor)

The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy

Hardcover; 17th edition (March1999)
Merck & Co; ISBN: 0911910107
~ $35

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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Physicians' Desk Reference  

Physicians' Desk Reference 2000 (Physicians Desk Reference, 54th Ed)

Hardcover; 54th edition (November 1999)
Medical Economics Data; ISBN: 1563633302
~ $83

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These books can also be purchased on-line, but not directly from here. Use the provided links.
Tyto knihy je možno rovněž zakoupit prostřednictvím internetu, byť ne přímo odtud. Použijte příslušné odkazy.


William F. Ganong

Přehled lékařské fyziologie

683 stran; 1. a 2. české vydání (1995) překladu 16. a 17. vydání (1993, 2006) J. Hergetem a kol.
Nakladatelství a vydavatelství H&H; ISBN: 80-85787-36-9

Very good textbook. Also available in English.
Podle tohodle nejvíc učíme. Novější vydání je k mání v anglickém originálu.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

Stefan Silbernagl, Agamemnon Despopoulos

Atlas fyziologie člověka

368 stran; vydáno: 1. 1. 1993
Grada Publishing ; ISBN: 808562379X 

cca 400-500 Kč (internetové knihkupectví Vltava)

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

Stanislav Trojan a kolektiv

Lékařská fyziologie

616 stran, 3. přepracované a doplněné vydání (1. 1. 1999)
Grada Publishing; ISBN: 8071697885

cca 500-600 Kč (internetové knihkupectví Vltava)

Martin Riedel

Choroby plicního oběhu

295 stran, 1. vydání (2000)
Galen; ISBN: 80-7262-056-8

Vynikající knížka předního odborníka na tuto problematiku.Tato publikace proto nesmí chybět v knihovně žádného lékaře.

cca 490 Kč (internetové knihkupectví Kompas)

Vynikající kniha vynikajícího odborníka a pedagoga na důležité a málo známé téma.

You can have a look at this book at our Department of Physiology.

Do této knihy lze nahlédnout u nás na Ústavu fysiologie.

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